We believe all pets need regular examinations. It is really important for a pet’s overall health because it allows veterinarians to do a thorough check-up and evaluate their general condition.
During the examination our veterinarians will look over your pets thoroughly. This is also a good time to discuss preventative medicine. We will make sure your pets are up to date on vaccinations and also make sure you have enough heartworm and flea and tick medications. We may also talk about routine deworming and other preventative medicine you need to know about.
There is another reason we recommend routine examinations. We hope to catch any problems before they turn into more serious ones. Our veterinarians are trained to catch things early before your pets are really ill. We may recommend blood work to further evaluate your pet’s overall health.
If your pets have not had an examination in awhile, please call us today to schedule one. Please don’t hesitate to call us at (916) 954-2100 with any questions you may have.